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Shading Performance Guide

Shading Performance Guide Considerations and Terms of Use:

  1. This tool is designed for comparative performance estimates only.
  2. Specific project information and light/energy simulations are required for more accurate performance data. The Hunter Douglas Architectural Shading Performance Guide is designed to allow users to compare and contrast the relative performance of shading fabrics only. Project specific parameters (site and building plans, topographical elements, reflection, etc.) are required for detailed analysis.
  3. Glare and View Preservation calculations are based on the relative differences in fabric color, building location, orientation and openness factors only and do not account for other elements present in the space, and therefore the performance of the fabrics may differ under actual conditions.
  4. The results generated from the tool are based entirely on the ANSI/NFRC 200/201 procedure for determining Fenestration Product Solar Heat Gain Coefficient and Visible Light Transmission at Normal Incidence. Energy reduction information is presented as relative performance only. Calculations are based on the specific glazing, window size estimates and the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient/Shading Coefficient of the fabric at testing. The user is responsible for and assumes all risk for the use of this information. Hunter Douglas Architectural does not guarantee that the information estimated here will match installed performance, and Hunter Douglas Architectural disclaims all warranties of any kind whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise. Hunter Douglas Architectural assumes no liability to its customer or any other person or entity whatsoever arising out of any loss or damage suffered or sustained, or for any amounts to be paid as a result of the performance (or nonperformance) of the fabric under actual conditions.